21 July 2008

Notes from Phone conversation with Gabriella

What happens if?
Trace, Autobiography
This was the place someting almost happened but didn't happen.
Interweaving of realities
from the review
"Althougth I was travelling and following the consoles directions as well as paying attention to the traffic there seemed no purpose to my travel.
Actual places my own memories distant voices of absent others became interwined."
Binary choices
Pause Move
Speak Listen
Past Present
Actual Digital
Geographical Fictional
City as skin
"Place of imprints Tatoos and Scars realised by recording or replaying the memories of our past whilst rapidly moving into an uncertain future."
Takes place dusk or darkness
Is it possible to mirror what happened. What can an immersive digital environment provide?
Different focus points and additional information creates other dimensions to event performance the possibility of the participant taking away some kind of momento?
From micro to macro. From bumps in road to visuals of the finger print data?
Important to Blast Theory Trust-Surrender, Promise or commit
Respond to a voice, Follow Experience

Gabriella summed up discussion in an email to Steve

Hi Steve

Just had a long chat with Kate and wanted to run by you where we are at thisstage.We'll be using CAVE and attempt to create a street possibly looking like theBarbican tunnel and surroundings. The street will have basic textural detail(gutters, etc). Participants will be on a bike at dusk. Changing qualities oflight will guide them through the streets and coincide with recordings.Participants will also record their own memories and be given a mementoconsisting of someone else's recording when leaving.Kate is going to discuss this with Matt next week but in the meantime it'll bereally good to have your feedback.The idea of using mementos in CAVE was successfully explored by MauriceBenayoun in World Skin http://www.benayoun.com/projet.php?id=16The idea to use a city at dusk to discover traces of something that happened inthe past was successfully explored by Forced Entertainment inhttp://www.forcedentertainment.com/?lid=370We look forward to hearing what you think -best

1 comment:

Duncan said...

This reminds me very much of pokemon snap: