8 September 2008

More thoughts and models

Been trying to make models similar to the Second Life underpass idea using 3Dstudio exporting to VRML, hopefully they will have sound attached.
Keep thinking about question of what or who is the replay for and where my interest sit. I'm interested in the archive as the base for replay. Thinking about Borges story of the Library of Babel, http://jubal.westnet.com/hyperdiscordia/library_of_babel.html where all books that could be written exist, even a book that would tell you when you are going to die. Thought about how the questions asked led to intimate stories. So started to build a version of the library of babel. Would like to embed sound files into the map. Participate needs to leave a print or mark to trigger sound.

Created some 3d text thinking about sounds in the space. Also asked Adrian if the participant could write a message on the walls while in the cave.....
Borges describes the rooms in the library as hexagonal
Wanted to have some kind of channels shoots you could fall fly cycle through thinking of Alice in Wonderland. Alter perspective. Wanted sound of text which participant falls through.

Based on the bike I made in Second Life heres one made in 3d studio to be exported into vrml.

The texture below is made from a bike tyre track cast in PVA translucent and skin like.

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